At Buy Manufacturers Direct, our we sell shot blasters, floor scrapers, and floor grinders in both propane models and electric models. So, one question we’re asked frequently: “Is propane better than electric to run surface preparation equipment?” The short answer is, “It depends.” We’re not just going to leave it at that, though. Keep reading to learn if choosing the propane model is right for you, or if electric is the better option.

Benefits of Propane Equipment

The biggest benefit to choosing a fuel-operated machine like a propane floor grinder is convenience. Because you’re not tethered to a wall outlet or a generator or relying on a battery that needs charging, you have more freedom of where you can operate, and as long as you have extra fuel, downtime is minimal.

The Challenges of Propane-Powered Equipment

While operating outside is easier with propane-powered equipment, if much of your work is in an enclosed area, it may not be the right option. Machines like a propane floor scraper give off exhaust and operate at a much higher volume than electric or battery powered equipment. If you’re working indoors or outdoors but around businesses or residences, choosing an electric floor grinder or scraper may be better to avoid noise or air pollution.

An added factor with propane equipment is that it requires more maintenance, including changing filters and fuel lines.

Choosing the Right Machine

If you’re debating between propane and battery or electric, factor in where you’ll be doing much of your work. For example, if you need a floor scraper to remove residential carpet and flooring, an electric or battery power source will better. Not only are there plentiful outlets, but the close quarters won’t amplify fumes or noise.

On the other hand, if you need a shot blaster to tackle outdoor projects or more open spaces, propane will probably be your best option. You won’t need to stop and charge a battery when you’re in a remote area or rely on a generator. Instead, you can simply bring extra fuel and get the job done more quickly.

Contact Us for Your Propane or Electric Equipment

No matter what kind of power source you choose, we have what you need. We have a great selection of shot blasters, floor scrapers, concrete grinders, and more from the brands you know and trust. Reach out to a sales professional today to get a quote or learn more contact us at  (815) 472-9740 or by filling out our contact form to get started!