If you need a heavy profile on a concrete slab, a bush hammer attachment can be the solution you need without having to buy a different machine to complete the task. Learn how a bush hammer attachment can benefit your next surface preparation project and how to replace the attachment in the video below.

What Is a Bush Hammer?

Traditionally, bush hammers are manual tools similar to a mallet or sledgehammer, with one side of the head fitted with cone-shaped or pyramid-shaped points designed to add texture to stone or concrete by repeatedly striking the surface. However, Substrate Technology Inc. has developed a similar solution that saves time and energy with their bush hammer attachment. The metal cylinder has rows of sharp teeth that, when rolled over concrete, break through the surface and create a heavy profile.

Why Use a Bush Hammer Attachment

The bush hammer attachment from Substrate Technology Inc. is designed to fit into the Prep/Master floor grinder machines. By using these attachments, you can quickly achieve a concrete surface profile of a four or a five which you can normally only get with a scarifier or shot blaster. This tooling allows you to get more use out of your floor grinder and skip having to purchase additional machinery.

The bush hammer attachment makes it easy to quickly profile your concrete, stone, or marble surfaces, such as needing to add a non-slip surface to a loading dock or entrance ramp. However, the Prep/Master attachment is designed to last up to 15,000 square feet, so they can also tackle big projects like profiling several thousand square feet of concrete in order to prepare the surface for a heavy mastic or epoxy coating.

Order a Bush Hammer Attachment for Prep/Master Floor Grinders

If you need a heavy surface profile, purchase a bush hammer attachment for your Prep/Master floor grinder today. To learn more about this and our other tooling, reach out to us today at  815-324-8071 or fill out our contact form to speak with a representative and get started.