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Fundamentals of Dust Collection

Surface preparation, such as using a shot blaster to remove paint or using a floor grinder to remove an epoxy coating, creates a heavy amount of abrasive, irritating dust. Using a dust collection system is key to creating a safe, healthy work environment and goes far beyond simply minimizing clean-up. To help you better understand […]

How Long Does Concrete Take to Cure?

Concrete is a hard, durable, long-lasting surface, but that’s only if it cures. Fresh concrete is more sensitive than you may realize and requires a longer cure time than what many people, even professionals realize. In fact, most sources say concrete cures within four to seven days, but the real answer to how long concrete […]

Using Grout Pans to Fill Pinholes in Concrete

You’ve finished polishing a concrete slab – it’s got a smooth finish and a beautiful glossy sheen – just like what the client requested. But three months later, the client is calling because the slab looks dull and drab. What happened? If you’ve polished concrete in the past, you probably know the answer – pinholes. […]

Why Do I Have Scratches on My Polished Concrete?

You wanted a beautifully smooth concrete surface with a lovely gloss that would maintain it’s appearance for years. However, your newly polished slab is covered in scratches and looks dull and unattractive. How could this happen? There are several factors that can lead to a slab covered in scratches, scrapes, scuffs, and pitting, and we’re […]

Should You Use Water When Polishing Concrete?

When it comes to grinding and polishing concrete, one of the questions we are frequently asked is if it’s better to use water or is dry grinding the better option. The short answer is “Use water.” The next question is “Why?” and so we’re going to break down why it’s better to use water to […]

How to Test Concrete for Moisture

Concrete slabs may seem dry and solid, but due to its makeup of water, sand, cement, and aggregate, and its porous nature, it can hold moisture. Over time, the water will be released, but when you’re planning on laying a coating down, knowing how to test for moisture allows you to make the right call […]

What Is a Transitional Pad?

You know that the grinding and polishing diamond pads you use, coupled with your grinding and polishing pattern are what determine your results. Using the right grit, choosing the right bond, and following the set pattern of grinding into finer grits before moving on to high grit pads for polishing will get you the smooth, […]

How Much Should Resin Diamond Pads Cost?

When it comes to budgeting for surface preparation equipment, resin diamonds are one of the most important investments you can make. However, going by just the price of the pad is not 100 percent accurate to the actual cost, after all, an inexpensive pad isn’t that cheap if it only lasts half the time of […]

Is Polished Concrete Maintenance Free?

Working in surface preparation, we often hear the commonly held belief that polished concrete is maintenance free. While it’s a durable, attractive surface for both residential and commercial spaces that’s easy to take care of, there is some maintenance involved. In order to keep the surface looking smooth and glossy, a little bit of upkeep […]